IndoNashia Wakefield

IndoNashia Wakefield Poems


I went to school today all alone
My friends had decieded to stay home
The teachers wouldn't look my way
Shunning my face from sight

The Best Poem Of IndoNashia Wakefield


I went to school today all alone
My friends had decieded to stay home
The teachers wouldn't look my way
Shunning my face from sight

My friends all walked through the door
Declaring me not a part of it anymore
They all turned their back on my hurt
no body could look at me hurt

So i turned and walked alone home
And when i did to my suprise
i found nobody in sight
just boxes on the floor

My family walked out the door
Declaring me not a part of them anymore
They all turned on the car and drove away
I have no home

So i turned my face to the sky
And found that rain was falling on my face
Good thing it was raining this drops
Now strangers won't ask what's wrong

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