Chaminda Pushpadewa Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Rock Top Restaurent At Sri Lanka

the rude village of Idulgoda their climate is cold
before morning sun misty has covered the top of the mountain
the sound of flowing water from the chute made a nice sound
the restaurant of the top of the Rock which is watching the natural attraction

Gretest Writer William Shakespeare

Since mid-century, the people ideas had not communicated well
At that era, the message was sent by soaring smoke on the hill
Some times weaving flags for given messages they were immediately for all
on the other hand Since that era had not well communication across the cross-cultural

The World Tourism Day

Celebration all over world day and night every face have seen beautifully smile
The ruins of heritages strange creative of situated any place visit more and more people
Power of world link increase by the day of golden everybody could get pleasure
The site of sigiri and wild of African with river of Nile will show strange attraction more and more

True Will Back

Before sun beaming wake up with thousand hope walking along road
Variety colors mud blossom beside road waiting for dawn sun by god bid
After mid night dropping rain decorated every leaf sparkle like hanging light at night of mid
Mild breeze toughing blossom petal although not boring for its moved

The Talking Tree

in the time of history people are care to tree
The roots spread everywhere at the compound area by tree
believe it has unique power in between forest and village tree
the roots over came from wall actually can be wait and see one moment it has holly look for eye

The True Is Pleasure

Finding truth among people with comparison of doctrine
Someone praying to god will come and rescue life
The creative world move difference couldn't under stood every one
All though people convey message to every one life

Prove Of Reality

True killed by cruel people living with them without feel of humanism
Blind of strange natural destroying all heritages the fresh Air turn black seem
The sun hides with feared of world oh drowned in darkness blind all seem
White foam with cascade turns red color rupture and bleeding from humanism

The Love And War

The life circle fading with out seen any of choices surround unknown threat
Freedom with flying birds giving kindly smile for people of innocent
Couldn't breathe offered fresh air by noble person its free for only wealth heart
The warmth of loving couldn't reach couldn't see loving smile oh feel desolate heart

Left Her By My Sight

The remind of your going away the heart unknown what I need from your
Watching everything with affection all though couldn't think the moment coming with evil for
Feel loneliness in whole world ready for back to again with my demolish heart darkness there for

The Man Slumber Upon Vally

The rivers flowing between mountain creating beautiful pictures
Birds are singing and flew everywhere beneath roof among ever green woods
wild beast are move for tackling victims middle in the mildest butterflies are sucking pollens
the blossoms are dance with blowing winds

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