Chaminda Pushpadewa Poems

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Brave Soldiers

The forest is covered by green trees large wood bodies exist like large mountain. At morning sun beaming between tree leaf for to green grass and which of sparkle like little star by dew. many and variety birds are singing sweet poem and fly away with pleasure for finding food.he is get down from his horse and do lying beneath tree for leisure.who had long hair with small eyes like falcon wide shoulder seen noble look for him past few minute ago shot. While ago had left cavalry many horse men were fatal
Injured by enemy atrocious and cruel war are lame all of them brevity is showing his all over face whilst on sleep became dream at his child hood with father and who done work he always fond status about noble truth at war. Actually father was one of hero for our mother land defeat enemy and winning from enemies. leisure world sun is go up beaming heavily Jim was wake up suddenly from difference sound like foot step who had jumped to saddle and run away but many horse men's follow up for kill him. Jim who didn't stopped at moment ride horse ahead very past who couldn't increase more speed further between large mountain and dangerous wood who had ride horse with hope see luster eyes how cruel activity in war he is singing old poem " much hurt travelled in the realize of gold which birds in fealty to appalls hold"
his eyes was luster by his affection feel get down from horse and do action about meet with her how offered bunch of flower how embrace his loving girl who had very panic about will feel hoping seen
End of day sun is going down like red ball at west sky birds are fly far away.

The Sorrowful Praying

The pray is beginning before ending life salivate from rough thing with human being
Hopes can make every one for better life still alive via world all though no humanity beginning
Some time hopeful man together killing people and destroying loving thing
They open eyes for pure truth with out for hope which come for watching

Wonder Full World

wonder full world has good live for people
betweenth sun and earth while live
nature is protect from your determine
it will be protect your with pleassure

Where Can Find Earth Like Other Planet

Extinguish burn world spreading water every where
Gratify every heart will delight all life
Cultivate all land and fertilizer fruitful cherry garden make wonder full strange
Vague path of scripture will clear risky life turn to better life

Couldn'T Defeat Destiny

Flowers move by blowing wind sun beam coming all over valley
The sea coast waiting for sea waves till come and kissing lovely
Waves knocked with stone and spreading white foam places of every
The hawks fly over sky for tackle fish for quench them hungry

Nothing Understand Before Die

Couldn't really say which one following but its ourselves heritage
Some time we are owner in demolish palace once upon time
How to say own mourn it's really sadness someone nothing under standing before die
All though you are escape like ignorant person front of really love

How Close My Eyes

Living with one thought till meet aging it is never be change
The pleasure couldn't make from demolish heart which is really true
Day by day fill trustful meaning for life it's never death among cruel lie
The soul with will get together keep in mind with really mean with love

Innocent Love

One warmth noon many of people between see her luster eyes
The green color grass smile with softness little foot steps
Moving lips whispering many of sweet things it's like one petal of roses
However the sun beam is not feeling heavy think sitting with her more and hours

Emotion Love To Mother Land

Emotion of love to mother land but the its never wish by cruel people
They think themselves wealth and high fir y fi life among begging people
Killing beggars and arrest to jail without any reason could call negligence for life
Oh how to make future life for alive in here they will killed by them sword without judge

Among Beautiful Enviorment

Suffered everything same coming with soul it's a heights of truth
Among beautiful environment of doctrine foot stepping the dark path
Listening dropping water and an d growing bud its make life of faith
Looking pouring tears mourn with pain or pleasure couldn't show really truth

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