Francis Duggan İnternet Poems

Boring Internet Literary Forums

Like me do you find Internet Poetry Forums a bit of a bore
A five minute browse there seems seems enough little more
For me one who is not known to be bright
I do like more humor and less complex subject matter than those who delight

On Internet Plagiarists

Some peoplechange or add a word to an original piece of writing and then do claim it for their own
And put their name to it as the author and due to this become widely known
They seek their fame at the expense of another this indeed does seem all wrong to me
Copyright lawsare so often abused by those who seek fame for themselves dishonestly

On Shayna Jacks And Internet Trollers

Performance enhancing drugs in sport one cannot condone
But internet trollers ought to leave the Australian swimmer Shayna Jacks alone
To the Australian swimming authorities she must pay for her sin
By being banned and maybe stripped of major swimming medals she already did win

Anonymous Internet Trollers

These internet anonymous negativecommenters who post their comments
under a false name
Are not worthy of recognition though they do crave fame
By their very anonymity they choose to deny

On Internet Trollers

To be nasty in your words is no claim to fame
All internet trollers should hang their heads in shame
They fancy themselves as critics but true critics for their criticisms receive pay
And an internet troller to a critic different in every way

On Internet Scammers

In this age of advanced human technology there is a huge increase in fraudulent crime
On the World Wide Web deception is abundant for internet scammers a profitable time
They cheat the vulnerable out of their savings and leave them without a penny to their name
The people they cheat are not wealthy people yet their actions never seem to cause them shame

Internet Scam

In your inbox you click on an email that just has come in
To find out that you've had a big internet lotto win
You must tell your friends and you must celebrate
But a tiny voice in you tells you for to wait

I May Be An Internet Rhymer

I may be an internet rhymer a scribbler of mere doggerel
But i too does have my own stories of my journey in life to tell
And i pen rhymes on people and Nature and places i have been to and seen
Too old to worry on the opinions of others of what is or what might have been

On Seeing Images On The Internet

On the internet when I look at photos from my Hometown some familiar faces I see
All of the people I grew up with they seem to be ageing like me
Yet by their faces I recognize them though they too are showing life's wear and tear
They stayed at home and raised their children whilst I went off to live elsewhere.

An Internet Rhymer

It is only for the joy of it that stuff i do write
And email it off to an internet site
Just one of many who has written rhymes by the score
An internet rhymer and little else more

An Internet Love Scam Story

Many people who in their lives have done financially well
Have stories of loss and of heartbreak for to tell
Robbed of their lives savings in a deceptive way
To vulnerable people this happens every day

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