ivor or ivor.e hogg Poems

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Baldly Stated

I use to wear it centre parted.
But now alas it has departed
When I was young I had thick hair
but now my head’s completely bare.

A Touch Of Frost For Friend Thad

From my library shelf I took
by random choice a poetry book.
I thought to while some time away
to brighten up a boring day

Global Warming; Phooey

The morning breaks it’s dull and grey
another wretched winter’s day.
There’s some mistake the month is May.
It’s not a day I have to say

Nocturne For M'Lady Lucianne

A rosy glow which fades to grey,
as dusk writes finis to the day
The grey deepens to indigo,
the one by one the bright stars show.

Demystified For M' Lady Cate

The mist persists, it will insist
it has the right to block the light
with trailing wisps of dirty white.

Is It Worth It?

The serpent slithered silently
across the silken counterpane
His victim slumbered peacefully
the serpent struck but struck in vain.

I Should Have Known

Dined with the devil yesterday.
A charming chap I have to say.
He was quite debonair and gay
and conversed in a cultured way.


Swept away on the ebbing tide
I long to stay but I must go
my wanderlust unsatisfied.

Simple Question For Friend Thad

Simple question

You do not see me follow you.
But I assure you that I do

And Why Not For M 'Lady Tara

On the outskirts of the city
There’s a place that’s very pretty.
A semi rural paradise
for those who can afford the price.

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