ivor or ivor.e hogg Poems

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We understand the time must come
when one of us will have to leave.
The when not ours to command
but for our comfort we believe.

Cat Nap

There is a quiet place I know.
where in the spring shy violets grow.
A peaceful place where I will find
I’ve left my troubles all behind.

Time Is Of The Essence For Friend Thad

Herbert the hippopotamus
was feeling rather amorous
The female hippopotami
avoided Herbies roving eye.

Tea Time

My watch says four its time for tea
but I’m not where I ought to be.
Instead I’m stuck in this foul trench
amidst the mud and slime and stench

Bare Feet For Thad

A centipede does not wear shoes.
If they were offered he’d refuse.
Say he’s afraid they’d hurt his toes
and he knows best I must suppose.

The Knights Tale

A dirty night without
a dirty Knight within
I entertain no doubt
The dirty knight will win

October Day

The bright white clouds against the blue
are moving slowly, passing through.
Their shadows cast upon the ground
move slowly too without a sound.


I would that I could ever be.
Allowed to worship thy beauty.
but thou hast little time for men
now past their three score years and ten.

Battle Flag For M Lady Tara

November: Yet a single bloom
still flaunts herself defiantly.
A splash of red against the gloom
of a depressing dark grey sky.


A rose bud still, not yet a rose.
A gawky awkward teenager
but she will blossom as she grows
and make me proud she’s my daughter.

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