Iwan Jaconiah

Iwan Jaconiah Poems

A morning comes outside a window;
silent and pale
nobody's home, just a broken shadow
standing and laughing beside me.

There is no tobacco
just seed.

There is no taboo

: a lovely dog

There is no smile at home
since you are not here.


There is no bad wine,
it can be worst
only in our hearts.

in gilded halls where fortune smiles
a truth sometimes beguiles
that wealth, though grand
a heart can't mend —


A man is sitting on the bench
with an empty gun
two peacocks are watching him
a new day has begun.

Iwan Jaconiah Biography

Indonesian poet Iwan Jaconiah. He writes poems in Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Russian language. He is one of the most important Indonesian contemporary art critics nowadays. Iwan has been invited to read his poems in several international poetry meetings, symposiums, and festivals, like in Singapore, Malaysia, and Russia. He won second place for the group category at the International Literary Youth and Students organized by The Pushkin Institute, Moscow, 2016. He has participated in the International Poetry Festival "Taburetka" at Monchegorsk, Murmansk, Russia. August 26th,2017 and the X International Literary Festival Chekhov Autumn, at Yalta, Crimea, Russia, October 21st-24th,2019. His poems used everyday languages, including foreign grassroots in English, Dutch, and Russian language. Now, he is studying Culturology [Ph.D candidate] at Russian State Social University, Moscow.)

The Best Poem Of Iwan Jaconiah


A morning comes outside a window;
silent and pale
nobody's home, just a broken shadow
standing and laughing beside me.

Home without flowering
since you are far away
oak trees are dancing,
a glass of wine enough to open the new day.

A morning without memories
only one thing reminds me; hope
nobody cannot deny it
here; grass is shaking under the tree.

Moscow, July 1st 2019

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