J.L. Nash

J.L. Nash Poems

Don’t call me that


Deep within foraged images
Lie cryptic clues of streets
And unaffordable books
On shelves next’ faces

It was the sign
a post with a small board attached
that said nothing
up until then

On the clock face, on the number four, rests two flies fucking
Their movements so tiny to be imperceptible

it does

left on concrete
a bloodstained chainsaw

It’s like this he said as he wandered down the street
It’s like this and he held out a leaf on a tree
Took out a pen and wrote leaf
The road was cobbled the alleyway narrow

Love thief
You steal into my heart
And take away my laughter

I dreamed of you
Of antique books, misplaced
Honour and dark drawers in libraries
Inviting me inside

All at 6’s and 7’s


His attention to detail
On the canvas that sits

If I hide my eyes with my hands
Like I am 5 or maybe 4


In a not dissimilar fashion to the way you pour your life in to me and then
I let it flow from me

The bark on the gum tree hangs in strips like a torn dress
Flayed nightwear once of the silken variety

The absence of loneliness
Just when you are full of love for him or her

I’m rowing across the channel
two oars a wooden boat and a simple sail

a fawn coloured camel leather shoulder bag
a pocket on the front precisely sized for my digicam

There’s a shepherd’s crook of gnarled and knotty wood
From his ankle bending in at the waist and fitting against the elbow point

Two uncloaked heads
In a sea of a thousand and one hijabs

Let there be none until we are dead
Let it wait until jackals scream

Slow silent moments of longing
hang next to where I sit

J.L. Nash Biography

J.L. Nash had a transient childhod, moving between England and Africa, and as an adult spent time living on an island in the Pacific Ocean. She is now based in Australia. She writes short stories, flash fiction and poetry which often reflects this sense of travel, displacement and a lack of roots. Sometimes published under her maiden name (nee Hunter-Yetton) . Her work has been found in different magazines (e.g. Cricketer International) a Selection of Literary Journals and most recently attached to the exhibition PARANOID (www.aionarap.org) . Her work can also be found on the net, usually in offbeat e-zines like Zygote in my Coffee. She performed at a few public readings in 2005 but prefers a more reclusive state.)

The Best Poem Of J.L. Nash

Being Two

Don’t call me that
I’m making tea now for spiderman
He’s having a bar b q
And actionman so don’t bother me with that tidying thing
Now I’m spider man
Look at me rolling around
I’m rolling like spiderman
Yes I am
I’m rolling on the floor like spiderman
Where’s my gun
The gun’s on fire
I’ll have to fight the gun
I’m fighting a fire
I’m fighting the gun look
The water’s coming out
I’m fighting fires
Is that Lazy Town on TV?
Look! It’s Lazy Town
I like Lazy Town
But it’s not time for dinner
I want to play now
Why is the car in the box
I want to play
It’s not time for dinner
Woosh! The water’s coming out
Hello! Is your leg hurt?
His leg’s hurt,
I’m giving him a lift on the car
There you are
(His leg’s better now)
I don’t want spaghetti
Ok, just a little bit
And play later
We’ll play later.

J.L. Nash Comments

Nellie Yeti 19 May 2007

Hi jo jo here - I saw J.L. Nash perform FANTASTIC when i was travelling through the Pacific and there she was doing a reading in a bar. I already had a copy of AL in Aelon Kein but had no idea she was out there... This is so funny when she acts it out - she has real comedy presence - great to see her online!

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