j mike de prudent

j mike de prudent Poems


Their was a very prominent Family
Back then, Living in a far away land



.! ! ! Oshun! ! ! .

How The air makes trees it potency
Oshun! you made water your abode

More than A friend

In the midst of bountiful flowers
And there fragrance with song of lullaby


What is the measure of success?
And what is the depth of failure?

Standing coins

It is ringing in her ears
Standing a dump as she swallows her spit

j mike de prudent Biography


The Best Poem Of j mike de prudent



Their was a very prominent Family
Back then, Living in a far away land
The family consisted of a father, a mother with three children
The name of the father is Fate
And Destiny was his wife.

Their three sons also who were prominent
The first son was Honour
Who had dignity colour
Dishonour was their second child
Who was friendly to women
And their last child was money
Who was fond of pride

After many years their parent died
Fate was the first to die before Destiny joined him
They buried them to all land
And the rite seemed how things had been

After some years, Honour also went to Join his parent
And there was no land to bury him
So king asked people to bury Honour in his Backyard
People did so, and king became man of honour
People started to regard king with due respect
Man and animals even both witches and wizards
A king may be a little boy, he will have the honour of authority
King must be honour even his imperfections he must be perfect

After ten years, Dishonour also died
And people were contemplating on where to bury him
For none wanted Dishonour to be buried on their land
So all women came together
And they agreed to bury Dishonour on their laps
Ever since then!
No matter how honourably ones may be
Be a king, a priest or chiefs in the palace
The day you have wife under your roof
That's the day you became man of Dishonour
For Dishonour was buried on women's lap

The last of them to die was money
The man of pride who had regard for nobody
When money wanted to die
He went to a far thick forest
And there he lay to rest under a tree
Where he joined his family
So people didn't know his whereabout
But when they couldn't find money in the village
They went and searched for money in the forest
So when they were able to find money
His body were found and his head was lost
His head were no where to be found
So up till today, people are looking for the head of money

If I have found it, there won't be need for me to toil again
Not even you to work again
We refer to fate and Destiny to help us
So Who has found the Head of money?
For us to share the honour
Before dishonour will come from our ladies lap

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