Jackie Holland

Jackie Holland Poems

All the colours of the spectrum in nature can be seen
Red, orange, yellow, purple, right through to deepest green.
The pink and orange of a sunrise just as day is dawning
Is enough to excite the imagination first thing in the morning.

I went to do the shopping at the Supermarket Store
Couldn't find a trolley - so hunted round some more:
I dashed around the car park searching every trolley bay
And at last, with the one with the wonky wheel, I was on my way!

The Best Poem Of Jackie Holland

A Rainbow In Nature

All the colours of the spectrum in nature can be seen
Red, orange, yellow, purple, right through to deepest green.
The pink and orange of a sunrise just as day is dawning
Is enough to excite the imagination first thing in the morning.
The softest whites and pinks of blossoms in the spring,
The many shades of green which leaves and grasses bring.
A field of golden corn full of poppies red,
A lush green lawn, where white daisies show their heads.
A silver stream, a bright blue sky,
Dark grey clouds when a storm is nigh.
Deep blue sea and soft golden sand
A bluebell wood that no human planned.
The powdery white of freshly fallen snow
The shades of gold in a sunset's glow
The shimmering feathers on a peacock so blue,
A hovering kingfisher, a green mallard, too.
Autumn leaves of gold and reds
Garden flowers planted out in beds
Early morning dew on roses
White billowing mist as a warm day closes:
I could go on we've so much to see
A feast for the eyes - and it's all for free.
God made all of these with tender loving care
And He's given them to us for you and me to share.

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