Jackson Baker

Jackson Baker Poems

Us and Them

I feel I’m living a life,

The Best Poem Of Jackson Baker

Us And Them

Us and Them

I feel I’m living a life,
Living a life of illusion.
Everyone is telling me I am doing things
O u t o f t h e O r d i n a r y,
This world is supposed to be this UTOPIAN society,
With people being perfect the way everyone wants them.

I’m waiting for the time when I can finally say,
that this has all been wonderful but now I’m on my way.
I will not be normal!
I will be different!
I will show the entire world and show how real we could be!

Now I know the reason why you keep your silencer.
You are trappedinacountry with not knowing if it’s a dud or not.
People are chasing you down.
You must protect yourself,
By using the V word,

Please allow me to introduce myself I’m a man of wealth and taste.
We are over here not doing,
anything and playing,
with duds for childhood,
while it is fearsome in other countries.
The biggest trouble we have is shouting out! ,
Who killed the Kennedy’s when after all it was you and me.

~Jack Baker

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