James McLain Poems

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American Education

There is to an opinion, differing much it is thine,
roads many too off running each thus dividing.
American 'whom' Education 'where'
there is to each an opinion.

The Old Mill

Empty of lumber, their closing the mill,
each seam is weathered and cracked.

Modest Mustache Talking Beard

It is that I am what you are.
It is that you are close to far.
Hands found me out it's nice.

Like A Rash

That feeling, I seem to have it their now.
When it first came upon me.
Like a rash, spreading around it.
Scratching at it and they laugh about it.

Rain Of Abundance

Anyone that 'I wish' petitions hath of her each request
and your hasty lips speak and lay within thy will.
Would thou expel it as simple surplus?
I make for thee to each and each for thee she/her

A Name..

From the cloth where the yellow flame
is whiter than the name,
my name had attached me to the body, time is time;
And it stops the hand, informs.

Is A Breast

My gaze hovers amazed across your valley
of grace sweet breasts
and in the short of Grey winters late afternoon
in this bed of light,

Shone The Sun

This is his place where the vast ocean ends
and before it, he was in it lost,
out too the distance from which
shone the sun

Emptied The 'Ocean A 'Dream'

Is it she;
The music can it be any more wildly excited.
Her or her song came why I come,
in order to listen too her each week it with you.

Children Speak To Children Do You

women raging against
men; of
men loving
off men; of

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