James McLain Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Should Trump Be On The Sex Offender Registry

These are the sturdy women.
Women whom wish to make a difference.
Women in control of their sexuality.
Women of etiquette,

Bukowski Drunk, Farts That Are Wet

The fly paper hung like fresh sprigs of mint
catching there intended.
Every square inch covered in bodies of which
some still moved.

The Alley Of Drugs, Death And Sex

I wake up every night at Johns, it's 3: 16 AM
The window in the room looks down the length of the alley.
I have long since had this dream, of living above
this alley.

Childhood Trauma

At Dickinson Elementary in Tampa in the early sixties.

I watched my school principal
through her window

Judges Have Suffered This Fool If Not Gladly

and highly educated when before them I stand.
In my latter year's now upon me.
They expect from my lip's something profound.

The Shaking

Why do you allow them to do harm to the children?
Like a dumb cow
you just stand by and watch and allow them to do
great harm to our children.

A Scent Of Oil On Her Hand's

Without heat it was strangely warm
to the touch.

To rub them made them warmer still.

Politics Art And Graffiti

a leaf from a tree
child of a bush without leaves
whispered the wind

She Gasped When Stretched Full Out

When stretched out full around,
a ferris wheel and though my head throbs full
though feeling it should not.

Crossing The Water At Night

It is to still,
strang bubbles wafting from the bottom up
and pop,
the smell is as if people have farted

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