James McLain Poems

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No One, But Two... Know

It is fine really,
ride the light of the sun.
It only shines once a day,
peaks of light from other eyes,

Party Line

i hear them talking, two girls, telling, to talk
one on top, inside the other.
redundancies, as girls do, uncommon famous
for, untill one forbids proloquium, she blurts out.

Inside You

i swim for my life, every thing Rich's,
big parties..
deep swimming pool, night times,
blue royals, wazoo.

Emo, He Is

i cannot be you, i can only see through you, into you.
i see what you do, with her, with him, your self, on me.
i see you from the package, you never used, until now
abused to cut, into me, when the splash, is you, in her.

I Peek, As She Peeks, Apeeker, Peeking

i look at the window, the curtains move in
an airless room, deja vi the feeling in it's self
always new, when i think this thought that i think in you.
what is it, that makes it you, you thinking of me watching

A Cloud, A Star

The tree is a soft pillow,
against my back,
after the picnic,
tooth pick dangles,

Moon Mother Why

I heard moon, heavenly sing...
Enthrall paper translucent runs.
is is cup passed on it's openly sea..
lips open sing praise, trip it so..


Follows hill it speaks to,
for ever does sun rise, it never sets in you.
Many are the bluffs in whites,
red, tow brown, it's yellow, wings to shelter.

Lonely I Am To

Could you please, if now and when
you think of me, tell me what to do?

I am if like one of you

Trauma And Empathy

Many are brutally traumatized, even more by those whom
have sworn to protect them.
To properly heal these individuals they need safety and
psychological attention.

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