James McLain Poems

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When The Moon Is Covered In Snow

Sunshine has filled the moon,
And clear are the skies overhead.
I become lost inside,
Stars beckon and show me the way.

Your Writes, ....

You have the write to know what i finish before i speak.
You have the write to ban me and burn me..to think..
You have the write to right me off..on your taxes.
You have the write to cheat..thinking i do to...

Dominion Death Shall Have

Dominion death shall have over that witch lives
and lived but lives no more.

Even from the South and more shall come and each

If Death Is Kind To Me

How Do I Know You Still Love Me

How do I know you still love me?
It is summer now, turning to fall and
Blankets of snow now surround me.

Hold Me Here

Night's finally come and now my journeys nearly done
I have been trying to get in touch with only you
Year's have passed and now the ground is under the sea
Have you, can you know that I've been thinking,

The Bone

It's not the meat around it,
Dog's don't complain.
Why does God?

Algorithms Interface And Your Children

What is the source of authority,
Is it your God?
How do you know that it feels good if you lie or claim
That you never did it.

Hard Reality

In a wood that's lush and deep and green I sat,
Looking at a path that leads from left to right.
A single lonely figure that was I, and here the fog
Was moist and warm and white.

Country Bought A Bicycle

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