James McLain Poems

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turned over the house in a burning rage
and looks out the window day and night still.
Seeing the feet of the boy at the foot of the bed


Open eyes while seemingly asleep.
Placenta does not move after birth.
Where a mind is it's own after expansion.
Try to close your eyes while awake with the fish.

Nigerian Roses

There are over two hundred reasons
Why I am a living nightmare a terrorist, in Nigeria,
I have abducted these, young school Girls.
I will sell them in the market, of Allah.

What You See Is Change

Faint traces some have leaving left,
one hdden path I seek.
Climates change behind the Snow,
the valley it is deep.


Malevolent they take their joy of pure evil
and turn to defamation in seeking pleasure in no others.
Malevolent by design there evil nature
and their other wives draw breath to plant their seeds.

Shadow People

There was no before and no normal time
not when I was a small child being a child I could see.
To allow them more power,
I could taste the metalic fever the power they had over me.

Birds A (Haiku)

Bombyx Mori

Threads of the fabric of love from the silkworm,
is spun
Bombyx Mori her home
and her house

The American Dream

Your poverty is their weapon of choice
black on white
state road yellow or brown
turned on each other their divide and

Ignorance And Fear Through Politics

People whom you never knew know less than nothing
having less than you do
of what all people need to be like you some what better off
than the majority of people whom never knew

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