James Mond

James Mond Poems

The night is finally over
The month will soon be October
North east wind makes days cold
Past experience makes us bold

When we sweep the sky with a mob,
Let them call us absurd
With the blood on our fore toes
Would be a pleasant thing to go

Sweet dreams when mom made me sleep
Nightmares when you made me sleep

Delicious rice when mom fed me

The little bird rests on a twig
It shakes with an excitement
Excitement is stabilized in short time amidst
When relationship turns into open enlightenment

The Best Poem Of James Mond

When Things Done, Results Come.

The night is finally over
The month will soon be October
North east wind makes days cold
Past experience makes us bold

As we further go
We forget things ago
As we look ahead
We are bound to success

Let past experiences be the fuels
Of the machine of the present gradual
Through the success of future into unusual
Where the goals are gained for dual

September 13,2008

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