James Arthur Warren AKA Thundercloud Repairian

James Arthur Warren AKA Thundercloud Repairian Poems

2021 let's dance
Towards dreams
Forgive past screams
Play football in teams

'Causing Effects' which is why he elects, accepts, and directs
the results he effects and accepts
that direction with affection is correct.
But the direction that he has,

A healing of self
There is only one judge of yourself
and your physical, emotional and spiritual health

imagine a clip on the ear
unimagine a a clip on the ear

What ever you want it to be
Because the definition is a limitation

Data, the new oil
We're going sequence every living thing on earth.
We're going to sequence everybody in the world.
Are you being robbed?

James Arthur Warren AKA Thundercloud Repairian Biography

James Arthur Warren AKA Thundercloud Repairian is the creator of The Australian Poetry Hall of Fame in Guyra est. March 2020. Thundercloud has published a number of poetry books 'Love in Nimbin' 'Lust in Nimbin, a children's book the 'Flea and the Dinosaur' and his latest release 'Poetry to End Prohibition 420 2020')

The Best Poem Of James Arthur Warren AKA Thundercloud Repairian

2021 After 2020

2021 let's dance
Towards dreams
Forgive past screams
Play football in teams

2021 Let's make new plans
To develop new skills
Visit a new land
Live joyful and grand

Farewell 2020
There's noone to blame
Farewell separation,
Guilt, blame and shame

2021 is the exciting year
Of change and growth
New leaves appear

2021 a Phoenix from the fire
Evolving to Aspire
Aspiring to be higher

2020 I made many mistakes
Ate too many cakes
Acted quick without brakes

2020 was for learning
Loss and yearning
Hard lesson earning
Bridges and forest burning
Sytimic cogs turning

2020 I want to say sorry
Using my words in a hurry
Sorry for causing worry

2020 tested our brain
Fire, Covid flooding rain
And quite a lot of pain
Which can happen again
Drinking from the gravy train

2020 is now over
2021 mowing fresh clover
A holiday in Hannover?
The White Cliffs of Dover?
New cat called Rover?

2021 the year of flexibility
Strength, change agility
and core Stability
Pushing limits of ability

I am sorry... Humility

James Arthur Warren AKA Thundercloud Repairian Comments

James Arthur Warren AKA Thundercloud Repairian Quotes

'If you follow the rut you're going to get stuck In muck up to your axles, you'll be stuck in a rut. If you make your own way through the forest and trees there'll be change and adventure you'll be free. If you float on the breeze without a care, Your worries like clouds will be as light as air. If you eat your greens instead of chips and bread, you'll be fit, have energy and a clear head. If you plant peas, chard, spinach in the fall, In spring there will be enough for all' Thundercloud Quotes

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