Jasmine Jurassic

Jasmine Jurassic Poems

Those who dont know us.
They think they know us.
They think they can tell who we are with one look.
They are judgemental and mean.

Jasmine Jurassic Biography

Heya(: myy name is Jasmine. Myy fwends call me PanKaKe. I live in Everett, Washington. Im fifeteen years oldd. We Celebrate The Dayy Of Myy birthh on March seventh. I havve a cellphone for all yuu whoo were wondering, myy number is 42541873**....wantt the restt message me. I takke a lott of bullshitt everydayy, soo dont bother me wiff yours. please dont waste your breath. i loves each andd every one of myy fwends. i wouldd takke a bullet for anyone of them, any day of the year. myy bestest fwends are Micia(Baybe Brown) , Kurstin(Waddles) , Amber(Amber Skyy) , Crystal(Krissy) , Kirra(Ginger Snapp) , Kenndra(Lemon Dropp) andd i havve a few more. ever since i moved back upp here too washington, ive learned soo many things. butt this year ive learned soo muchh more than ive ever learned in myy entire lyfe. i cann att times have myy badd moments. usually im pretty chill, until yuu makke me madd. i thinkk i might bee bipolar. im happy then im nott so sowwie if im ever mean too yuu. i wear myy heart on myy sleeve. im currently TAKEN<3(I Love Yuu Evan) . i thinkk the best feature of a person is there eyes andd their smile. (: sometimes im a bitt dramatic about things butt im quick too change my attitude andd mood. i dont likke people madd at me. i absolutely despise drama. soo dont start beef withh mee. i smile a lott even if im nott happy. over everything in the entire worldd i want my friends happyy cuz they shouldd bee even if i cant always bee happyy wiff very mindd changing person.i dont likke bigg words that i dont knoww. andd i askk a lot of questions. i thinkk thats bout itt soo i guess message me if yuu wouldd likke too learn more. (: Alrighty BuhBye<3)

The Best Poem Of Jasmine Jurassic

Seen Thru My Eyes

Those who dont know us.
They think they know us.
They think they can tell who we are with one look.
They are judgemental and mean.
But we are strong and we will
show them and they will truly know
we are not what they think we are
But for now its what they think they know.
Yeah, that is how our world works.

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