jay carriere

jay carriere Poems

his fairest Juliet laying in peace,
looking so beautiful so open so free,
dreaming of her Romeo to be with him,
to be held in his arms and never released

the tears that weep from behind these hazel eyes
the heart that lies broken with in this beaten chest
looking at his wrists deep in thought 'whats the point '
what the point of me dying it won't change the world

The Best Poem Of jay carriere

Romeo And Juliet

his fairest Juliet laying in peace,
looking so beautiful so open so free,
dreaming of her Romeo to be with him,
to be held in his arms and never released

to be like Romeo and Juliet over coming all odds,
fighting all boundaries to be happy to be sealed by happiness,
to wait for the faithful day there lips will meet,
to be able to enjoy true happiness for ever till the end,

he loves his Juliet more then life it self,
Juliet would give her life for romeo in an instant,
there bond is unbreakable no one one will come between them,
to be married to last for ever and ever,

the day they met it was fate they were always meant to be,
all these obstacles were just tests of there love all the pain were just hurtles,
hurtles waiting to be jumped to be over come,
you are my Juliet my Alice my Rose you are even my Bonnie,
to me your my everything the only thing worth living for,

and to live with you forever is what I plan to do,
do anything just to keep you by my side never to lose you,
through thick and thin ill stay by your side helping you trough,
you are my perfect girl I believe you are my soul mate

but now i must go this poem is done to close my eyes at last,
to try and dream of the girl of the girl i desire so,
to be able to capture more then anything in this life,
so to these last words i mean more then anything i have ever said,
to these three words that i hope to make you smile
I Love You

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