Jayshree Verma

Jayshree Verma Poems

सुबह का मौसम, जैसे जन्नत का एहसास,
कोहरे में डूबी प्रकृति को है, सूरज की तलाश!
सात सुरों सा लगे, पंछियों का शोर,
संग इनके मै भी गुनगुनाऊँ, गाऊ गीत राग भैरव!

The Best Poem Of Jayshree Verma

सुबह का मौसम

सुबह का मौसम, जैसे जन्नत का एहसास,
कोहरे में डूबी प्रकृति को है, सूरज की तलाश!
सात सुरों सा लगे, पंछियों का शोर,
संग इनके मै भी गुनगुनाऊँ, गाऊ गीत राग भैरव!
आज हवाओं के संग, उड़े मेरा मन,
खुशी उमंग के पंखो से, पा लूं धरती और गगन।
कोहरे से भरा शहर, लगे बादलों में मेरा घर!
खिड़कियों में दे रहा वह दस्तक,
सुबह का मौसम, जन्नत का एहसास।

Jayshree Verma Comments

Jayshree Verma Quotes

Nature is God's temple.

Book is the bestest friend for a human.

My lovely twinkling stars are getting lost in the cities polluted sky.

He loved her still does in his own way.

Music and Art are my first love and it will never going to change.

I originated from void, I will merge with void, I am void, I will be called void.

Everyone is a traveller in this world. We come alone and go alone. Relationships are only the means of this journey.

Even though the world may change, I will remain constant.

God is the Father and Guru of the entire creation. No one can replace Him.

Great... Great is the Creator, Great is His Creation and Great is this confluence age.. Gives lot of experiences on the shadow of Kaliyugi pain.

The luckiest of all are those who have received the gift of experience in their lives.

I was concerned to find the One who lives beyond in the brahm element. Now that I have found Him, what else would I want.

You do not have to make effort to remember someone you love, but you automatically remember them. It must be love from the heart, true and selfless.

Truth prevails whereas untruth finishes, When woman becomes major Power.

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