Jeanette Olson

Jeanette Olson Poems

Showing compassion is simply my way,
Of letting God's love shine on someone today;
A person in darkness who knows only night,
Is deeply in need of the warmth of His light. May we be like the moon shining bright,

As the train came down the track,
I knew that it was near;
It whistled LOUD as if to say,
"Come see me, I am here!" As it whizzed on by the farm,

It's in beholding that we become
So look on Jesus, God's Holy Son;
His sweet compassion and acts so kind,
Have power to soften the hardest mind. He came to teach us how to live;

The Best Poem Of Jeanette Olson

It's God's Love

Showing compassion is simply my way,
Of letting God's love shine on someone today;
A person in darkness who knows only night,
Is deeply in need of the warmth of His light. May we be like the moon shining bright,
Reflecting the sun's rays into the night;
Into those hearts to whom midnight is come,
We can reflect the love of God's Son. We are like channels God's love can flow through,
May we not hinder the work He could do;
It isn't my love to keep to myself -
I'll let it flow on to somebody else. Let's open the flood gates and let His love flow
Into a land of sorrow and woe;
A land that is thirsty, a land that is dry -
Where without His Love, we wither and die!

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