Jeremy Willson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Taming The Beast Within

I will tame this beast inside of me.
I will not falter, this is a stumbling stone I will surpass.
I will not give in to this despair for if I do I can never return the same.
I am strong like a roaring lion among gazelles.

Ruthless Butterfly Of Love

Polaroids And Paranoia

I think I may be paranoid when it comes to life
It's as if I'm a character in a drama and someone's capturing all my earthly strife
It's written down on paper and stolen on Polaroid film
I see this thief on the streets and in my nightmares realm

I'm A Broken Toy

I'm not brave, or strong, I am just a boy
I act tuff, when in reality I'm a fragile, broken, toy
Everytime I let someone pick me up, I try my best to entertain them
And Everytime they drop me I break more than I ever have been

Cold Mornings And Goodbyes

A cold winter morning
Warm hand resting in my freezing hand
Close for warmth she's holding
As everyone around us stand

Painkillers And Cigarette Ash

Stale smoke fills the room, vomit seeping into the carpet
Laying there wishing the fly's would leave me alone
It stares at me with it's million eyes
It's furry texture intrigues as I blackout

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry I am clingy and annoy you
I'm sorry I'm not perfect too
I'm sorry I don't always say the right thing
I'm sorry if I make your eyes water and sting

Dumpster Diving

Words Create Love Yet Start Ww3

Words are the most powerful weapons on all of the planet
That's why the government tries to ban it
Censoring the masses prevents WW3
But that means we are all slaves we aren't really free

I Call You The Sun I'm Just Your Mended Shards Of Glass

I may look strong, I add a lot of charisma to hide the real me
The real me is weaker than glass ya see
It can be easily smashed then replaced
I'm not perfect I am carbon based

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