jessica mun

jessica mun Poems

if i could write you a poem
it would be about the sun and the moon
about forsythia in the spring
and warm suburban afternoons in the park

jessica mun Biography

i like to write poems.)

The Best Poem Of jessica mun

If I Could Write You A Poem

if i could write you a poem
it would be about the sun and the moon
about forsythia in the spring
and warm suburban afternoons in the park
it would contain the perfect amount of syllables
and have one to many metaphors
it would lift you up and hold you high on a cloud
caress your faults and illuminate your merits
it would sound like the first bird chirp
during the last days of winter
and the last buzz of a bee
at the end of summer
it would feel like a new pillow
and smell like a new pillow case
if i could write you a poem
it would be the last thing i did
it would come from my heart and my head and my hands
there would be no spaces
because you don't stop for anything
you go and go and go
and when you finish
it will leave you feeling satisfied
and maybe you will realize
that you are loved
by not just me
but the birds and the bees
the old swing set at the park
the sun and the moon
the stars and the planets
the cosmos
they all shine for you
if i could write a poem
it would be about you


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