Joanna Baillie Poems

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Lines To Agnes Baillie On Her Birthday

DEAR Agnes, gleamed with joy and dashed with tears,
O'er us have glided almost sixty years
Since we on Bothwell's bonny braes were seen,

On A Sprig Of Heath

FLOWER of the waste! the heath-fowl shuns
For thee the brake and tangled wood,--
To thy protecting shade she runs,

COLD is the hand that gives thee to the flame,
Sweet source of pleasure in my early years!
But, O ye friends! to me impute no blame,

Fy, Let Us A’ To The Wedding

FY , let us a' to the wedding,
For they will be lilting there;
For Jock's to be married to Maggy,

Lines On The Death Of William Sotheby, Esq

LEARNING and fancy were combined
To stimulate his manly mind;
Open, generous and acute,
Steady of purpose, in pursuit

A Song Written For An Irish Melody

HIS boat comes on the sunny tide,
And briskly moves the flashing oar,
The boatmen carol by his side,
And blythely near the welcome shore.

A Sailor’s Song

WHILE clouds on high are riding,
The wintry moonshine hiding,
The raging blast abiding,


IN tremulous vision, falsely near,
The forms of nature as phantoms appear,
With the wonted colours of earth and sky,


SPIRIT of strength! to whom in wrath 'tis given,
To mar the earth and shake its vasty dome,
Behold the sombre robes whose gathering folds,

Time And Friendship

UNFELT , unseen, time steals away,
So softly with our years,
The dewy gem of op'ning day
Not swifter disappears.

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