Joanna Baillie Poems

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The Merry Bachelor

WILLIE was a wanton wag,
The blithest lad that e'er I saw;
Of field and floor he was the brag,

To Sophia J. Baillie, An Infant

SWEET bud of promise, fresh and fair,
Just moving in the morning air,
The morn of life but just begun,
The sands of time just set to run!

Verses Written In February, 1827

LIKE gleam of sunshine on the mountain's side,
Fair, bright and beautiful, while all beside,
Slope, cliff and pinnacle in shadow lie

Wake, Lady!

Up! quit thy bower! late wears the hour,
Long have the rooks cawed round the tower;
O'er flower and tree loud hums the bee,


HOW heavy falls the foot of time!
How slow the ling'ring quarters chime,
Thro' anxious hours of long delay!
In vain we watch the silent glass,

Two Brothers

WHO presses on my knee this kindly pat,
And with a merry archness in my face
Looks up?--a youngling of my own liel race:

Two Songs

COME rouse thee, lady fair,
The sun is shining brightly,
High through the cloudless air


UNCONSCIOUS babe!--not even lines like these
Have power thy little slumbering sense to please,
Nor all the charms pourtrayed with so much grace,

Verses On Our Own Flowery Kirtled Spring

WELCOME , sweet time of buds and bloom, renewing
The earliest objects of delight, and wooing
The notice of the grateful heart! for then

Verses Sent To Mrs. Baillie On Her Birthday, 1813

A JUDGEMENT clear, a pensive mind
With feelings tender and refined;
A generous heart in kindness glowing,
An open hand on all bestowing;

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