Job Kasambyo

Job Kasambyo Poems

I have seen clouds cry
breathe and burn,
I have seen hills sway and move,
with the radiance of the morning sun.

Virgin heart, lollipop eyes innocent like the daughter of a reV

Idol nipples, you make no thing happier than I

Sing, Chebuchechet, daughter of the highlands
for your charming laughter
quenches the thirsty Pokot grasS.

I travel to distant lands
to war or to peace
I shall fight
where no mortal man has gone, go

The Best Poem Of Job Kasambyo

From My Balcony By The Lake

I have seen clouds cry
breathe and burn,
I have seen hills sway and move,
with the radiance of the morning sun.
I have seen the lake sigh,
and release in a calm wind
the free souls of
dead fish,
I have seen
blown into my awed eyes,
the thick smell of sweat from an old tiring
I have seen blinding thunder,
gods different from mine
dancing in a flooding sky,
to the sound of lightning,
as Nyasaye fattens the land.
I have seen two trees older than time,
laugh and hug, make love and whisper
to make beautiful canopies to beat the cold.
I have seen the road that stretches from
the ocean,
and empties to the tired lake.
I can see a hill and through it
a rail less travelled.
Two doors from mine
I have seen love,
Up from the balcony
Of my house
By the Lake.

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