John Byrne Leicester Warren

John Byrne Leicester Warren Poems

Sunbright ale is royal food,
Jarring cups disloyal feud.
I will cheer my soaking mood
Till the orchards reel.

The Best Poem Of John Byrne Leicester Warren


Sunbright ale is royal food,
Jarring cups disloyal feud.
I will cheer my soaking mood
Till the orchards reel.

Brews good ale is no dispraise
To our green or grizzled days;
He who sets his cheek in wine
Vassals not despair.

He who sets his lips in ale
Keeps his legs where many fail,
Takes his fortunes at their best
Foul or fickle-fair.

Merry sets his mellow life,
Who, when rusty shocks are rife,
Whistles off his weary load
Wearing to each year.

Sours he not with friendship's treason,
Or some sweet love strange in season,
Ripe in manhood, ripe in heart,
Whole and sound and clear.

John Byrne Leicester Warren Comments

Shoshana Kirsh 11 January 2018

I'm looking for Byrne's poem: All this, even this, shall pass And in the end we'll be asked Not if it was good or bad But how much we have loved

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