john coldwell

john coldwell Poems

Dare you, today, accompany me,
To the murky wells of memory,
It's said we don't remember pain,
We cannot, by recall, wince again,

You are not another common man,
A mere name upon a roll,
No, you are a universe,
An eternally expanding soul.

We passed by the silent sliding curtain,
That closed the final act upon her life.
Through the florist’s dank smell of the courtyard,
And passed wilting flowers in rusty vases,


Wonder where your thoughts came from?
what you stand your suppositions on?
Did they creep in second hand,
Ready processed, tasteless, bland,

Beneath the autumn sky's cold clouds of metal,
Wind chased shadows evict a last clinging petal
From it's exhausted home.
To live on the streets,

Don’t forgot the countryside,
With your computer, career and chores.
It goes on in spite of you,
With schemes greater, and more intricate, than yours.


Let the children of your anxious mind,
In other arms their comfort find,
And come yourself away with me,
Beyond the palms and limpid sea.

I saw my latest grandchild yesterday
All lagoon eyes and fat little fingers
A perfect beauty in every way
What joy pure time, and chance can bring us.

I was once both lost for words,
And incapable of speech,
I had paucity of verbs,
And antonyms were out of reach.

Dare you, today, accompany me,
To the murky wells of memory,
It's said we don't remember pain,
We cannot, by recall, wince again,

I was once both lost for words,
And incapable of speech,
I had paucity of verbs,
And antonyms were out of reach.

The Humble Hymn Book

I am the humble Hymn book,
You may have heard of me before.

How many times we went to bed at night
Not daring to think what might…
We let the barren years unwind
Put out of time, put out of mind

Its always April,
Here, in Monet’s Garden.

Showers of colour,

You fight your curiosity,
At every stranger’s face it sees,
Their awkward shapes, eccentric gestures.
Ungainly gaits, peculiar postures

Let the children of your anxious mind,
In other arms their comfort find,
And come yourself away with me,
Beyond the palms and limpid sea.

Dare you, today, accompany me,
To the murky wells of memory,
It's said we can't remember pain,
We cannot, by recall, wince again,

Of all the fools that I could list,
The greatest is the Atheist,
There may be others that you would choose,
But I have the Bible to support my views,

Agitation, slowly bubbling to boil,
The stoking-up has begun.
With spiteful hiss and hot oil,
We depart on our ramshackle run.

O! our joy, the Great, the River Ouse
Thou still retains thine ancient banks
And give us yet those age old views
Of field, and fen, and willowed ranks

john coldwell Biography


The Best Poem Of john coldwell

The Well Of Memories

Dare you, today, accompany me,
To the murky wells of memory,
It's said we don't remember pain,
We cannot, by recall, wince again,
But there are other hurts and lurking fears,
That return in full, their sobs and tears.

The lid that caps that caustic pot,
Ill fits, and spills at any jot,
Must it, it'sporous prison, once more leave,
And make again the heart bereave?
O that time would fade the dreaded thing!
Or some sacred salve remove it's sting!

At night in dreams, you know when,
We're taken back to madness then,
Our smiling valet's waiting there,
With tailored suit of greydespair,
And misty mirror for me to see,
The reflection there is truly me!

john coldwell Comments

Pgd123 07 September 2020

Where is the watch it! Poem?

0 2 Reply
Georgina Bassett 06 April 2019

Watch It poem by John Coldwell

3 1 Reply
Rhoda Restrick 01 November 2009

Wow! I think your poems are great. Does Bethie know about this? She writes poems too

5 4 Reply

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