John Sensele Poems

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When You Cry And Sigh

Have you forgotten how much they despise you
In their minds your welfare comes last in the queue
Illusion to dream to them you matter
Delusion you'd better from your mind scatter

Megalomania Meandered

Ilk, illness and ill-will
Ignorance, arrogance and lack of skill
Converge on the verge of annihilation
Life forms encounter at the centre of implosion and inflation.

On The Verge Of Extinction

Midgets fidget in the jackets
Stooges in their besotted baskets
Pontificate and replicate baloney
In the menu that shrunk to polony

Primacy Of The Poor Person

If human life in political circles should depreciate
Such polytricks my soul doesn't appreciate
Unless polytricks human life should place at the centre
Dogma, ideology in my heart can then enter

Egregious Injustice

A wall of silence
A scroll of insolence
Affluent in theory
Dysfunctional in cogent camaraderie

Agility And Fragility Of Life

Life limps fragile
Life slumps agile
Fit one moment, unfit in a comment
Mystery of life smacks of torment.

Estates, States And Tastes In Love

Let our hearts beat as one
For the love you and have won
Much as convention irritates
Contrary to love dictates in its estates.

I Belong To Social Media Blues

I rue the day my head went mad
I rue the way I made my life sad
Pouring vats of nonsense
Believing I vouched for common sense

Tremulous Tactics

How do I get a job if I'm so bitter
Filled with bile from my liver to the litter
In my bleary brain
That clearly suffers strain

Distance From Madness

I advertise my defects
With every nonsense effects
I post for future employers to read
As I advertise my incompetence creed

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