John Thorkild Ellison Poems

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A Male Chauvinist Pig

Please don't ask me to apologise,
I've seen right through your lying eyes,
You've spread your legs for a lot of guys,
So please don't ask me to apologise!

Hairy Tits

You're mine to feel and touch,
I love your hairy tits,
I love you very much
And worship you to bits!


Don't worry, I can see them in your eyes,
The little fishes swimming there, the lies
You told this evening to those other guys.....
I've loved you for so long now, so many years

Big Ward Sister

Be careful, mister!
She'll have you in her ward, her web,
The Big Ward Sister,
She'll have your soul for breakfast -

Ludicrous Lingo

I asked a waiter for some food
And can't complain that he was rude,
'NO PROBLEM, sir! ' was what he said
(I wished the little blighter dead! ! !)

England Isn'T England

Why go to war
When England isn't England any more?

I don't like to complain


The aardvarks came out one by one,
Their buttocks glinting in the sun,
And each was gay and free and wise
And each had eaten twelve mince pies.

The Poet's Calling

I knew a man who dreamed his life away,
Who fell in love a hundred times or more,
A charming trait, whatever you may say,
He was no charlatan or crashing bore.

A Christmas Carol

Come back, Dear Lord, a Second Time,
Your Loving Kindness is a Crime,
Your Gospel, Jesus, was in vain,
Your followers are quite insane.

A Bird Of Ill Omen

I wandered lonely in the crowd,
Bereft of rhyme or reason,
A jackdaw whispered in my ear
'You will be hung for Treason! '

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