Joseph Ikhenoba

Joseph Ikhenoba Poems


You can't know how the sparrows feel
When they are raped by the hyenas.

The clanging bells from the Thames forge
Have once again woken the harpy eagles
To their disposition.

There's always something on the jaded skies
That thumped the wavy spiral of my balloons
And that is death.


You can't know how the clanging bell of death


I saw a ruffled bird along a path

The Best Poem Of Joseph Ikhenoba

It's A Poem Of Rape And Mutilations By Invaders On A Village In The Middle East.


You can't know how the sparrows feel
When they are raped by the hyenas.
It's a feeling the burns the skies
And make trembles on the seas and hills.
Just one morning, at the glow of the golden coin
I browsed through the parches of scrolls
To find the white light among its rolls
But the sight of horror grimed my groans.
On second page of the scrolls
I glared how two hyenas raped a baby sparrow
And this dug more holes into my hollow.
Though, the fondling sprout among weeds
In the Middle East.
But she was always chasing the wind of dreams.
When the blurted balloons invaded her realms
Burnt her hood and dug the graves.
Ah! The vultures and owls howled and hooted
To feed on her bones.
It's a brutal world! A brutal world!
The white doves in me got wounded.
Certainly, I know darkness and light are at war
But the light must forever cover dark veil.

Joseph Ikhenoba Comments

Joseph Ikhenoba Quotes

'Not everyone you love, loves you. Not everyone you trust, trusts you. To go far in life, you must keep your secrets close to your heart, because many you sacrifice for today, will be with you when your success ship is sailing, but when it hits rock bottom, that's when you know their true colours.'

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