Joseph James Breunig 3rd Poems

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Work In Progress

This body is imperfect and flawed,
originating from earthly dust;
it houses a spirit searching to find
the one, true God in which to trust.

Poem: Shout Hosanna!

Hosanna! Hosanna!
Salvation is near.
Hosanna! Hosanna!
Salvation is near.

Poem: Power Of The Tongue

Don't be fooled regarding one's tongue,
for it has the power of life and death.
Before doubting these words of wisdom,
now pay attention and catch your breath…

In Remembrance Of Grandma - Poem & Background

Now that people are becoming more aware of my poetic efforts, interests are being expressed regarding the background of my poetry - in addition, to my spiritual muse. In this installment, I share the background and poem 'In Remembrance of Grandma'.

I recognize that most of you reading this article will not know much about my maternal Grandmother, other than what you're able to glean from this page. However, there are universal lessons that need to be shared. This poem was originally written for her funeral.

Way Of The Cross

Tis important to remember,
the holy Standard that was set for us!
Its purchase was selflessly made
by our beloved Christ Jesus.

Petitions To God

God does answer prayer
as many people have heard,
but His only obligation is
to honor His own Word.

September 11,2001

Failing to understand
why our nation is great,
an opportunity was sought
by souls cowardly lying in wait.

Poem: Human Veil

Oh the irony of this mortal situation,
being encased in this temporary flesh.
For I’m momentarily bound to this earth,
although I anticipate my heavenly journey.

Poem: Empty Places

What is the full depth of my inner soul?
How far does it fall short of infinity,
given the known limits of my being human?
Can all of the crevices, cracks, fissures,

Giving Tithes To God

Revelations of the heart
regarding how one's money is spent
echoes volumes about character
and our God-given talents.

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