Joseph James Breunig 3rd Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Poem: Teach Me To Pray

Lord, create in me a clean heart
and teach me how to pray.
Sow your righteousness into me;
keep my soul from going astray.

Poem: Standing Firm

O Lord, I know that You really care;
therefore, I continue to offer prayers.
In You, my faith will not waiver,
since I'm blessed with Your favor.

Poem: Christmas Iv (An Acrostic)

Concerning these issues of Life,

His principles trump all evil when…

Poem: Upon This Altar

O my Lord, help me with my request:
Set up Your permanent altar in my life.
Form the foundation of this altar,
with the unhewn rock of my stony heart,

Poem: The Color Of Yhwh

A new search is ongoing,
with Israeli chemists on a trek;
they seek find the color of God,
which was formerly called tekhelet.

Poem: Morning Coffee

Morning coffee percolates

beneath my weary eyelids,

Poem: Etched In Stone

Ongoing studies of Egyptian history
demonstrate lessons can still be learned.
Their oversized achievements were possible,
by having its peoples' hearts turned…

Poem: Called To Worship (Iii)

As a Child of God, you're blessed with favor,
since you're a joint-heir with our Savior.
Don't be ‘eaten up' with unending discontent;
know that He has promised to keep His covenant!

Poem: Determination

O Lord, I have purposed in my spirit
to sing of Your greatness and mercy!
Before You I humbly bow and kneel;
with my tongue, I exalt only Thee!

Poem: Evil Forebodings

While seconds quietly and quickly elapse
under the consistent control of Time’s arrow,
the evil forebodings of Dread and vague fears
continue to lurk within Life’s long shadows.

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