joshua langley

The Best Poem Of joshua langley

Troublesome Life

I never would have wanted life to be this way so many faces have changed today, people turn their backs and just go along with the flow while I sit back and try to finish the show, so much hate and envy trying survive with this demon that’s in me, what ever happened to Noah’s Ark too bad the flood didn’t wash away the evil lurking in the dark, all I want to feel is this needle in my vein to take away all my emotions and pain but how am I to refrain, so much pressure to get to the top but ill refuse to stop, they say life is a game you better get on its level I’m just trying to run and hide to get away from the devil, so many fakes and snakes running around I’m just trying to stand on firm ground, we are suppose to be joyful and free but I think that will never be, I have not giving up on my hopes and dreams I am building my own regime, I have found my peace with God no more standing in front of this firing squad, I will no longer feel this way tomorrow is a new day, I know my holy father hears me as I bow my head and pray.

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