Jubril Balogun

Jubril Balogun Poems

Beneath the pavilion
Cool air embracing
Mind borne in valley
Ears in cheer thrust

PLeasant words
That brews a smile,
Absolute rhymes
that lits the eye.

Sometimes in our lifes', we come accross people from different works of life.
People that ceate a sort of impact in our lifes'.They participate in our dailly basis activities.
In the heart of friendship, we meet and learn new things about each other and perhaps share some moment
together, whether we like it or not and since memory do not die quickly especially when there are

Kind and adorable
So much affection.
She listens...so loveable
Time dares no tension

In the depth of thoughts
When the mind wickers
Tiptoeing the skulking night...
Worry oozing

Tearing streams of friendliness
Saltish feel of aloneness
Memories of ageless moments
Shores the lips in wearied contempt

Life is a race.
Its track webbed in oblivion.
Each man borne in his lane.
His will, a necessary companion.

A tender dream.
A thousand kisses.
A warm embrace.
A million wishes.

If it was just me.
I could walk the sandy beach.
As the wind caresses my face.
My eyes lost to the crashing waves.

Happiness can't be bought.
Joy is neva forced.
Peace wont be over-rated.
When smile is concentrated.

On the shores of regret
The sea of pain rests
Scarred with rocky planes
Whereon crashes teary-waves

The grace in the sight
Emotions that stems
The sheer and the smile
Masking my regret

In the face of time
Walking down the lane of governance
Decades of unending sighs
Enshrouding the ruling stance

The birth of nature
The seas and the sky
Word formed a gesture
Then there was light

In the tiny droplets
Holes in the sky
The soothing caress
The rains invite

Here I lay
Shedding the stress born of day
Hoping my eyes'd stray away
All the way, down the slumber lane

Dire is the need
A song begs relaying
Fly a chord in vocal sky
Weave you the words

Words neatly forged
Through bellows of emotion bay
Words like armour hereby worn
A dire shield from conjugal rains

There's a Me that whispers
Down the mind lobby
Perhaps its another
Staging such skillful tricks

Jubril Balogun Biography

poetry is of the heart, more like love, it consumes you.)

The Best Poem Of Jubril Balogun

The Festival

Beneath the pavilion
Cool air embracing
Mind borne in valley
Ears in cheer thrust
Eyes embrace melodious scenery
Milky waves of emotion high
Flood the streets in luminous bliss
The YAM festival is well nigh
A celebration of fulfilled season
Hence the dance and song incessant
The night hereby deemed unpleasant
For likes of grandma curled in disgust
Her sleep had well met riddance
Even her wails in futile sunk
Her's was a time in yore ages
Tales of their ways bids our awe
Stories even time dare not wane
Whence farmers, to the gods
Their biggest harvest are brought
In honour of promise afore made
'With my reapings shall gods be praised'
The sky weeps hence in acceptance
A new season is again born
To the beauty of a feast
And the splendour of local rums.

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