Kaitlyn Lancaster

Kaitlyn Lancaster Poems


Your body aches,
Your brain aches.
You try to stretch out the pain,
Gently pulling your arms above your head.

People say mental health is a myth,
That it's just a label that people use as an excuse.
Honestly, that gets me so mad.
Just because you haven't seen or experienced something doesn't make it imaginary.


I look at her,
Stress written on her face,
To me, she is perfectly beautiful

You are sat across the room from him,
His hair loosely gelled into waves.
His smile is shining across the classroom,
Making him impossible not to notice.


You are sat in a silent room,
The lights are off.
You are desperately trying to subdue the aching in your brain.
You are slowly sipping some sweet tea,

The Best Poem Of Kaitlyn Lancaster


Your body aches,
Your brain aches.
You try to stretch out the pain,
Gently pulling your arms above your head.
All this does is tug further at the aching muscles in your neck and chest,
In turn making your brain ache more.
Your arms slump to your side,
Not wanting to move,
Not wanting to experience the pain again.
Someone looks at your slumped body and you instantly sit up,
Not wanting to be judged or questioned.
You grimace as you realise just how much your body aches,
Just how much your brain aches.

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