Kandee Reyes

Kandee Reyes Poems

When i first met you;
you had that sparkle in your eye that caught my attention
then you asked me for me name
you said 'im not the type of guy to lie'

Throughout these 8 years,
you've dried my tears.
Throughout the days,
You've taken away the pain.

'You say your losing all your friends,
but the thing is friendships NEVER END'


Kandee Reyes Biography

Hey guys my name is kandee i live in a boring little town theres not much to do, but everr since i was little i have been writting poems, and singing so basically i write lyrics to, i would love to have talented people like you judge them....um im in 8th believe it or not..(amazinn for a 14 yr old) lol. wel you can call be baby V, everone does, i have a myspace so hit me up! ! my URL is www.myspace.com/jays_hottie well thank guys ttyl!)

The Best Poem Of Kandee Reyes

Damn I Loved You

When i first met you;
you had that sparkle in your eye that caught my attention
then you asked me for me name
you said 'im not the type of guy to lie'
i knew it was not true you dated my friend!
the more we talked the more i fell for you.
and when you said i love you, i believed you!
so i said 'yes'.
I knew you had game cause you played my friend
but you said 'i love you i promise i'l change'
so ibelived you!
Then i turned the corner you and MELONY hand in hand
and me standing in the rain.
i walked away feeling so
stupid they
told me you were playing me, but that
i did not believe
thankfuly it was raining so you couldnt
tell i was crying..
Even after all the pain you have caused
i still cant letchu go
and i wonder why?
its been two months and you still make me cry
with every single lie!
I cant say 'DAMN i LOVED YOU' cuz baby
i still do.
after all the tears baby i still say 'I LOVE YOU! '


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