Kara Cagle

Kara Cagle Poems

What is the point of this dark dark day?
Why should I get out of bed anyway?
All that lies before me is pointless
Death seems more enticing then this

The Best Poem Of Kara Cagle


What is the point of this dark dark day?
Why should I get out of bed anyway?
All that lies before me is pointless
Death seems more enticing then this

Why am I losing you? Why didn’t I try?
If I said I didn’t care, it because I lied
And now that you’re gone I’m empty within
Not able to even let another day begin

All was lost when you walked out the door
My reason for breathing isn’t here anymore
So I lay here and ponder a motivation to move
Hoping something in life will soon improve

But it won’t, it doesn’t, it never can
Dreams from the past, a fantasy land
Everything I knew will never be the same
I lay here hemorrhaging from my own pain

Bathed in desolation, slowly bleeding out
My life trickling down the sides my mouth
As the last desperate tear streams down my face
I watch what’s left of my battered soul escape

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