Karoly Sandor Pallai

Karoly Sandor Pallai Poems

A glowing symphony lobbies for a
Future of flickering flashes, swaying in
The late afternoon breeze, inflaming our
Lost visions. we desperately need the

We never come back to the
larches of our mendable childhoods,
to pending memories of separation,
of exhausted electrical love.

Do angels have external sex organs, genitals, intestines? is there sexual intercourse between them, and how about veneral diseases? adam’s apple, gullet, pharyngeal tonsils, lungs? if not, what kind of sound do they make? if so, do they have lung

Looking at my instantiations
behind previously vanished glasses of morning embrace,
entangled in pale memories of confinement,
learning ourselves into hypertrophies of wordliness.

It’s snowing outside and she’s standing at the door of my room naked. she’s a skyward statue of carnal lust, a hymn to the agony of pleasure. sometimes she dances in g-string, waiting for the next easter, for the salvation and epiphany of her abused, exploited and violated body.

A slightly green window opened in my
mouth. i’ve clothed the yawning circumstantiality
of my sentimental warehouse. i’m about to
reopen my heart to the city lights of

i’m proud to be a primitive animal, defending my loved ones with terrifying roars in this world swirling with sinister flares of disingenous forgetfulness. i’m a rudimentary parody of mankind. with the demand of external referency of the central nervous system, yet with a ravaging absence of willingness and reason.

Karoly Sandor Pallai Biography

website: http: //pallaikaroly.com/ Károly Sándor Pallai is a PhD student at Eötvös Loránd University - Budapest. He consecrates his research to the contemporary francophone literatures of the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific. Focusing on the intercultural and interdisciplinary, he publishes articles on the literature of the Seychelles, Martinique, Mauritius, on the enriching relations between system theory, natural sciences (quantum physics) , philosophy, psychology and literature. He’s a member of AIEFCOI (International Association of French and Comparative Studies on the Indian Ocean – University of Mauritius) , of ISISA (International Small Island Studies Association – University of Hawaii) and of SICRI (Small Island Cultures Research Initiative – Southern Cross University, Australia) and of ICLA (International Comparative Literature Association, Paris) . He’s the conceptor, founder and editor in chief of the international electronic review of literary creation and theory Vents Alizés, created to assure an open access diffusion of the literatures of the aforementioned regions. The primary aim of the review is to establish and nourish lively contacts between the oceanic regions of the French language, between the literatures of the oceans. He’s also the creator and founding director of the publishing house Edisyon Losean Endyen. Engaged for the diversity of imaginaries, heritages and for innovation, Edisyon Losean Endyen was created to improve the accessibility of the literary production of the Indian Ocean, the Caribbean and the Pacific. He’s a member of the editorial board of the Seychellois literary review Sipay. He writes and publishes poetry in French, English, Creole, Hungarian and Spanish. His collection of poems, Soleils invincibles was published in 2012, his play, Mangeurs d’anémones in 2013 (Éditions Arthée) . In acknowledgement of his theoretical, poetical and editorial work, he has been chosen among the « 50 Young Hungarian Talents » by the La femme magazine. In 2013, his poem « Elle. Seule. » was chosen to participate at the international poetry festival Woman Scream (in collaboration with the French artist Sophie Lartaud Brassart) . The Seychellois Minister of Culture awarded him a decoration, a certificate of ministerial appreciation for his activities carried out to promote the literature and culture of the Seychelles.)

The Best Poem Of Karoly Sandor Pallai

Engineering Love

A glowing symphony lobbies for a
Future of flickering flashes, swaying in
The late afternoon breeze, inflaming our
Lost visions. we desperately need the
Music of calm summer sunsets, to blow
Our secret wishes in the wind. how
Could we strengthen the basement of
Our spirit, amorously plaster the skim
Peeling off of our abandoned illusions.
We never give up the hope of
Comforting the jagged knives, the
Sworn wives, the mass that stumbled
Halfway charmed by the light of
Unscholarly celestial phenomena. i
Was hoping that you were going to
Be indulgent with me and slip into
My bed. unperceived. intercurrence.
A hiatus in time. on your chest. you
Are definitely indispensable in your
Light blue bra. the concert season will
Commence with a slight rain of thoughts.
A rain to wash away our agonies, our
Indignation and incredulity. i found you
When you were blessed by the passing
Storm. a lifetime. a glance. oceans of
Clouds. the everlasting asks for admittance.
I’m bricked up in you.

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