Katy Ann

Katy Ann Poems

As they took her away
I could see it on his face
The pain he felt
The hurt in his eyes...

The Best Poem Of Katy Ann

You Will Be Missed

As they took her away
I could see it on his face
The pain he felt
The hurt in his eyes...
As the days went by
The pain remained
And wouldn't overcome...
The music was blarring
Pictures were scattered
And tears crept down his face
His heart was broken
His love was gone,
and never to return...
He laid there numb
Pain overbaring
Turning into sickeness
His heart was heavy
Full of sadness and pain,
that he could no longer go on
So he closed his eyes
and left this world
To reunite with his beloved wife

RIP Grandma and Grandpa <3

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