Kavitha Krishnamurthy Poems

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The Hunter And The Bird

A somber twilight
The hunter's delight
An awful sight
A bleeding bird's plight

A Poem Using Heteronyms...

Her life was never content
Alas…she had never understood
The true content of her life
A failure it was…

Sometimes I Wish I Could

Sometimes I wish I could
Break the barriers
And free myself from this golden cage
And become a free bird

Simply Beautiful

Plain eyes without liner or shadow
Yet they have a charismatic charm
A mesmerising vigour that I never knew
Stronger that the gravitational pull

Women-The Masterpiece

Women- the masterpiece created after the rough draft
Created by god in leisure, he made her very special
She is so tender, yet so strong
Her skin so smooth, her soul so tough

Book Of Life

You have some blank pages
Fill in all you can
The folios are all yours
You can publish what ever you wish

A Beautiful Moment

A pretty child with an innocent face
Untainted heart and an appealing smile
Came beside and refurbished me
My qualms evaporated

Sun Vs Rain

It was a beautiful morning
Read on...This is an experience so darning
It was not so bright, and not so dark
But in my heart it left a mark

The Roses

My eyes witnessed an astounding sight
The freshness of dew, the sweetness of pine
The sapphire creek, the misty peak
The smiling roses, the greenish garden

A Scary Night

The night was dangerously dark
As if a gloomy secret gracefully kept
The time was still, I was in total amnesia
What I was doing? Who I was? I did not remember even that

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