keianna ouafi

keianna ouafi Poems

As I sit here all alone
in a place that is unknown
its been 2 months since i saw you
and im wondering iw our love is true


as i am looking at the stars
that are close to mars
i see your face
like a constellation in outerspace

The Best Poem Of keianna ouafi

Its Over

As I sit here all alone
in a place that is unknown
its been 2 months since i saw you
and im wondering iw our love is true
what happend to all the joy?
i know ur not just someother boy..
i want to see you face again.
but then...
why should i?
i think its time to say goodbye
im not just some other girl you can mess with
girls that are stong isn't just someother myth
even though i love you
its time that i gave you a clue...
its over

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