Keith Dovoric

Keith Dovoric Poems

The days are long and painful
The nights are long and bare
Those alleys, hard and brutal
Between buildings built with care

Family is a battle of wills
An Armageddon before brunch
You took your chances now you pays your bills
Without a clue, without a hunch

Whenever I come back here, I feel like a king
You give me all your roses and powder my wings
Like an angel

It's like some rotten little joke
That your kindergarten teacher spoke
All of God's things get broke and it's we must fix 'em
The bones in your body, snapped in half

He struts into the room
He drives away the crowd
He pierces you down with his stare
Your prayer screams right out loud --

No island of escape
No heart that can't be found
The plague at last arrived
The ship is run aground

I look down the hill and see the plague in the valley
Ravaging farmer, field and crop alike
Where the bundles are stored and young children are carried
Every motion they take, they go farther from light

There's some mornings I wake up
I realize I made it all up
The drama, the stage, the curtain
The actors and their scripted burden

He don't know no circuitry
He don't know no scheme
He don't know no hook-up
No invisible stream

I want things to be good
When the hawk touches down
Have to stand where we should
When the hawk touches down

I have so much control, I don't know what to do
I have so much control, I don't know what to do
If I get any more control, I think I'm through

Suddenly every voice is a tiny conspiracy
They're swarming around us - I just know they're out for blood
A love like ours invites all manner of jealousy
Everyone wants to rake us through the mud


Guided by emotion,
We make the rush to Judgment
Torches burning in a rage,
We seek the harshest punishment


From the bosom of a tyrant
Comes the gentlest of newborn babes;
After the cruelest of winter storms
Comes the mildest of spring days.

I wanna start fresh
Ditch the folks who used to know me
The ones who watched me plow the fields
Of mediocrity

A path of good intentions running right outside my door
I never really understood what all the fuss was for
Maybe there's a Heaven here and maybe there's a core
But who here has the courage to confront it?

I'm lost in a foreign country
But I've lived here all my life
Recently I came into money
I bought a tractor and a Bowie knife

Waking up on winter mornings - the birth spasm reenacted
Time to head out in a world of pain and cold
Have to harness up the troika, don my bashlyk hood and jacket
And see my shadowy comrades all now stark and old


I think I'll work on my abs today
Maybe run on the belt
Work some muscles that in 15 years
I haven't felt

It's a feeding frenzy
But there are no sharks, Bess
It's a moonlight sonata
In total darkness

Keith Dovoric Biography

Keith Charles Dovoric is a NJ-based singer-songwriter, musician, author, and educator. Mr. Dovoric began playing the guitar at age 12, merging music with literary pursuits to craft an individualized writing and performing approach that, thirty years later, bears distinction from the common fold of pop currency. Citing a wide swath of influences, from Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Jim Morrison and Warren Zevon to Ernest Hemingway, Jack Kerouac, Albert Camus and Nelson Algren, Mr. Dovoric has performed throughout the NY/NJ region and recorded ten albums of original music. Despite his outre writing and reading tastes, Mr. Dovoric lives the picture of convention in nondescript suburbs with his wife and two children. Mr. Dovoric has published eleven collections of lyrics and poems; his latest and final, Rest, is purchasable now at

The Best Poem Of Keith Dovoric

A City

The days are long and painful
The nights are long and bare
Those alleys, hard and brutal
Between buildings built with care

Springtime held a promise
Its lilac on the wind
Summer opened its hydrants
To the many colors of kids

The sky bled with the autumn
The moon stabbed thru the eye
Before too long, it's winter --
A city waits to die

They came there by the thousands
To work in grocery stores
Left the pogroms of the Old World
For the scent of something more

But it's business as usual
It's the same thing as before
The same old anti-Semitism
The same rotten, slamming door

The sky bleeds with the autumn
The moon stabbed thru the eye
Before too long, it's winter
When a city waits to die

Here's your great-grandfather
Unlocking his fruit truck at dawn
His tree of knowledge, shaken
The apples of his eyes, gone

He'll fall prey to scavengers
They're just like all the rest
Who'd seek to exterminate his kind
Just like virus, just like pests

The sky bleeds with the autumn
The moon stabbed thru the eye
Before too long, it's winter
And a city waits to die

Hell hath no fury
Like a city's scorn
If you're on top, it raises you up
On an altar, gilt and warm

But if you're in the gutter,
That's as high as you should aim
'cause that asphalt hunter
will track you down
Just like endangered game

Yes the sky bleeds with the autumn
The moon stabbed thru the eye
Before too long, it's winter
And now a city waits to die

Keith Dovoric Comments

Keith Dovoric Quotes

'Christ came to solve two problems, evil and death, which are precisely the problems that preoccupy the rebel.' Albert Camus, The Rebel

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