Kevin Agaba

Kevin Agaba Poems

Before I came, you were there
Arriving I did, making you my home
So beautiful and gifted land
Like the promised land in the holy book

Is this your home
In that you do anything you want
Enslaving everyone so that he or she 
Is under your feet. 

People come and go
Situations come and finally go
But your love neve goes 

Slowly by slowly you came into my heart
Winning it you did making it your home
Finally you became part of my life
But now we separated by fate

I make mistakes, I'm not perfect
Am tempted, b'se am weak hearted
I love but also do hate too
I get infuriated b'se am emotional

Seated at home with my heart in fear
Bullet sounds reverberating in my ears
Bloodshed all over the towns and cities
The same thing happening everywhere

She busts into the room
My sight caught by her allure
Her eyes pure like a diamond crystal
Smiling she is doing so

Secure with me you're
Riding through thunderstorms,
No need for panicking

A fruit of joy you're
Light in the dark you're
A dream that flows through my mind
As I lie down in a peaceful slumber

A curse onto man, boom, you come
Like thunderstorms, unexpectedly
Anytime, whether day or night
You don't leave empty handed

You're tall and green
Protective of the environment
Against natural calamities

There she came
When I was lonely
No body to listen to my cry
No one to warm me when I was cold

She's seated at homeher heart in sorrow
Hands and teeth clenched with agony
Not knowing what's going to happen
His drunkard husband in the bar

I've moved around this world
Searching for the most precious time
But the moments I have with you
Have turned out to be the best I ever had

I used to smile when I set my eyes on you
But all I do is pretend as if you never exist
I used to smile by the thought of you
But now I think about someone else

Kevin Agaba Biography

Agaba Kevin born to Mr. Mugarura John and Mrs. Ampaire Noreen in Nsambya hospital, Kampala way back in 2000. He has been writing poems since 2015.He draws inspiration from other great poets like Maya Angelou and Toru Dut. He has attended school from Winston Primary School for primary education. Later joined Buddo Secondary School for his O'Level education and he's currently in St.Andrew's College for his A'level education.)

The Best Poem Of Kevin Agaba

Pearl Of Africa My Home

Before I came, you were there
Arriving I did, making you my home
So beautiful and gifted land
Like the promised land in the holy book

The climate with you so desirable
People at home admirable
Foreign land b'se you're attractive
Making you their homes they're

Divided into four parts you're
The north, east, west and the central
All nice places to call home
Hospitable and welcoming you're

Wonderful features elevating you
Rwenzori the mountain in the west
The mighty 'nalubaale' in the central
The Nile River flowing in between you.

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