Koena Mokoena Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Dawn...(23 / 12 / 2013 / 11: 40-Am) .

The fact is i am a poet, /
hence i am ambitious! /

Koena France Mokoena.

We Die Young...(30 / 12 / 2013 / 11: 44-Am) .

The fact is i am a poet, /
hence i sacrifice... /

Koena France Mokoena.

My Enemy...(23 / 12 / 2013 / 13: 55-An) .

The fact is i am a poet, /
hence i become ignorant... /

Koena France Mokoena.

B4...(05 / 03 / 2015 / 22: 55-Pm) .

Before i used to be on top of things... /
Because now i have to think in everything i do, /
i am not alone... /

The Things I Say...(23 / 02 / 2015 / 07: 30-Am) .

I become suprised at the things, /
i say... /

Koena France Mokoena

The Things I See...(26 / 02 / 2015 / 09: 50-Am) .

I see the things that other human beings cannot see... /
I become suprised when i see a human being, /
appearing like a ghost... /
Some of them are dead & others are living, /

A Miracle...(17 / 02 / 2015 / 15: 00-An) .

The fact is i am feeling like there is... /
something on top of me... /
Hence, i become suprised as this is not the first time. /

When It All Started...(17 / 02 / 2015 / 14: 25-An) .

Before my life was perfect... /
until i slept with Beyonce Knowles. /
Now people are blaming & blowing me, /
saying that it is not my home... /

Manipulation...(28 / 03 / 2015 / 07: 20-Am) .

I have never seen such a thing before... /
Almost everyone manipulating you /
like they know you! /

My Birthday! (28 / 03 / 2015 / 07: 50-Am) .

My favourate day, /
which comes once a year! /
It has finally arrived /
& thanks god that i'm still alive. /

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