Kimmy Trudell

Kimmy Trudell Poems


You have broken down my walls as if they were made of soft sand
Soft sand that gently goes back to the sea and is washed away like a memory I try to grasp onto, yet it slips thru my fingers
Glimpses of you and your words wash away with the motion of soft waves crashing onto the shore
I sit with my toes in the cool water, time passing me, yet I am unable to move grasping the sand between my fingers, holding onto it as if holding onto you

How do you pick up Shattered pieces
The glass that was my heart, cuts my fingers staining them with my blood
My blood that coursed thru my veins for you, causing the thump thump
The beats that mirrored yours

The Best Poem Of Kimmy Trudell


You have broken down my walls as if they were made of soft sand
Soft sand that gently goes back to the sea and is washed away like a memory I try to grasp onto, yet it slips thru my fingers
Glimpses of you and your words wash away with the motion of soft waves crashing onto the shore
I sit with my toes in the cool water, time passing me, yet I am unable to move grasping the sand between my fingers, holding onto it as if holding onto you
I am powerless to move, so I sit, with the sun setting, watching you wash away
Eternally hopeful that the sunrise will bring you back to me

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