Kris Shastry

Kris Shastry Poems

Golden leaflets of the past,
echo the obvious gospels.
Excavating the convolutions,
to mine a gold called common sense.

The Best Poem Of Kris Shastry


Golden leaflets of the past,
echo the obvious gospels.
Excavating the convolutions,
to mine a gold called common sense.

It announces to humans,
'the' humans, their knowing errors.
Unforgiven by the gods of wrath,
who gnaw of their feeding hands.
Sacrificed the hands, the humans, the cripples.

Misread gold to be coal,
kick it with ruckous mocking,
obscene to themselves upon themselves.
When the gods of wrath take their toll,
humans cretinicious visages just oggle. Just oggle at their wrath.

A tear wasted to oblivion.
Humanity: just a word wasted, swallowed by the walls of th void.
Humanity, casually a paradox, which takes the name of its traitors.
Humanity dons the gods of wrath, in the end to spank the gods of wraths, to resurrect from paradox. HUMANITY PREVAILS! HUMANITY PREVAILS!

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