ks13 sar

ks13 sar Poems

The distance is becoming a distance

I am a secret you cannot hide

I was aware of all her sayings, the lies
I was aware of all her moves, the tries

She looks at me today

The Best Poem Of ks13 sar

I Am Here

The distance is becoming a distance

I am a secret you cannot hide

I am a thought you cannot compromise

I am a feeling in your heart…
…don’t be surprised

I am the rhythm of your heartbeat…
…try to realise

I am the question you want to ask

I am the answer you expect

I am in your every dream

I am inches away from your eyes…
…in your brain

And a few more inches away in your heart

You look here, you look there

And then you look at me and just look here


Dedicated to all my fans...

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