Kumar Himanshu

Kumar Himanshu Poems

A good man is enough to be
A soldier in a catastrophe
A guardian in a uniform blue
protecting world, protecting you

The Best Poem Of Kumar Himanshu

Be There For You

A good man is enough to be
A soldier in a catastrophe
A guardian in a uniform blue
protecting world, protecting you

All I am is a symbol of hope
World believed me since I woke
Children be me on Halloween
The hero in me, they've seen

All I have
Is a shield I grab
Is a past I can't resurrect
But a present I protect

A world, worthy to save
For all the love it gave
For all the wars we abhor
But still we're so much more

When couples smile, when kids play
When old parents sit and pray
I protect those fragile smiles
From villains, thieves and missiles!

I am not a hero, but a man
So you don't have to be my fan
Instead what I want the world to know
Is that anyone can be a superhero

You don't need a shield or suit
Just love and bravery absolute
Someone you care for night and day
For whom you'd give your life away

I am not a perfect soldier
But a good man, I am Roger
And I assure you as I depart
Always have hope in heart

When despair hits hard
Pain kills your guard
Have hope till the last
In this soldier from the past

As when life turns black
I'll always come back
I don't know the right thing to do
But I'll always be there for you.

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